Scheduled O&M

What is Scheduled O&M?

ZStack Cloud provides two types of scheduled O&M resources: scheduled jobs and schedulers. These two types of resources are independent from each other. You can create schedulers and scheduled jobs based on different rules and associate or disassociate scheduled jobs with or from schedulers.


  • A scheduled job defines that a specific action be implemented at a specified time based on a scheduler.
    • You can associate any available scheduled job with a scheduler.
    • You can select Disable, Enable, Attach, and Detach actions for a scheduled job based on your actual production environments.
    • If you delete a scheduler, the scheduled jobs associated with the scheduler will be disassociated. You can associate the scheduled jobs with other schedulers.
    • Operations triggered by scheduled jobs are all recorded by the Audit feature.
  • A scheduler is used to schedule jobs. It is suitable for business scenarios that last for a long time.
    • A scheduler defines the implementation rules for a scheduled job.
    • A scheduler can be used for long-term operations, for example, creating snapshots at a specified interval for a VM instance.
    • If you delete a scheduler, the scheduled jobs associated with the scheduler will be disassociated. You can associate the scheduled jobs with other schedulers.
    • Operations triggered by schedulers are all recorded by the Audit feature.


In the production environment, we recommend that you create a maximum of five snapshots for a volume and do not configure frequent scheduled snapshotting. Creating an excessive number of snapshots will lower I/O performance of VM instances or volumes, increase data security risks, and occupies the storage space of primary storage. To back up data for the long term, you can use Backup Service.

Create a Scheduled Job

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Scheduled O&M > Scheduled Job. On the Scheduled Job page, click Create Scheduled Job. Then, the Create Scheduled Job page appears.

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the job.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the job.
  • Job: Select a job type. Valid values: Start VM Instance, Stop VM Instance, Reboot VM Instance, Create Snapshot for VM Instance, and Create Volume Snapshot.
  • VM Instance/Volume: Select one or more VM instances or volumes for the scheduled job.
  • Reserved Snapshots: Enter the maximum number of snapshots that you want reserve.
    • If you create a scheduled job for a VM instance that uses a Ceph primary storage, you need to set reserved snapshots.
    • We recommend that you reserve 1-32 snapshots.
  • Scheduler: Optional. Associate a scheduler to the scheduled job.
Figure 1. Create Scheduled Job


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