Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis displays the performance metrics of key resources monitored externally or internally in the Cloud. You can view the performance analysis or export the analysis report as needed to improve the O&M efficiency.

View Performance Analysis

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Cloud Monitoring > Monitoring Chart > Performance Analysis. Then, the Performance Analysis page is displayed.

Figure 1. View Performance Analysis

The Performance Analysis page consists of filters and analysis reports.
  • Filters: Supports basic filtering and advanced filtering.
    • Basic filtering: Allows you to filter by resource, monitoring methods, and time spans.
      • Resource: Supports VM instances, VPC vRouters, hosts, backup storages, L3 networks, and virtual IPs.
      • Monitoring method: Supports external monitoring and internal monitoring.
        • External monitoring: Obtains the VM performance data, such as the CPU, memory, disk I/O, and NIC data from the host by using libvirt.
        • Internal monitoring: Obtains the VM performance data, such as the CPU, memory, and disk capacity directly by using the agent and pushes the data to the host. To using internal monitoring, install the agent first.
        Note: The memory data obtained by using internal monitoring is more accurate than that obtained by external monitoring. Therefore, we recommend that you use internal monitoring to monitor the memory data.
      • Time span: You can select a time span to view the monitoring data. Available time spans: 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 week, and custom.
    • Advanced filtering: Allows you to further filter by filter item, resource scope, and owner scope.
      • Filter item: Allows you to sort and view resources based on monitoring metrics and metric values (for example, CPU utilization >= 75%).
      • Resource range: Allows you to view the monitoring information of all resources on the Cloud or specify a resources to view its own monitoring information.
      • Owner range: Allows you to view the monitoring information of all owners in the Cloud or specify an owner to view the monitoring information.
  • Analysis report: Generates an analysis report based on the filter conditions.
    • Allows you to sort the items by resource name or monitoring metric.
    • Allows you to export all the report information or export the information on the current page in CSV format.
    • Allows you to customize the number of items to be displayed on each page. By default, 10 items are displayed per page.
    • The VM analysis report page allows you to stop a VM instance.
    • The VM analysis report page allows you to filter VM instances based on the VM state.
    • The VM/VPC vRouter analysis report allows you to customize the columns to be displayed.
    • When you export a VM or VPC vRouter analysis report, you can choose to export the average, maximum, or minimum values of the metrics as needed.
The following table lists the monitoring metrics of each resources.
Resource Type Monitoring Method Monitoring Metric Destription
VM Instance/VPC vRouter External Monitoring CPU Utilization Displays the average CPU utilization of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Note: If a VM instance or VPC vRouter has more than one CPU, the CPU utilization might be greater than 100%.
Memory Utilization Displays the average memory utilization of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Disk Read Rate Displays the average disk read speed of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Disk Write Rate Displays the average disk write speed of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
NIC In Rate Displays the average NIC in rate of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
NIC Out Rate Displays the average NIC out rate of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Disk Read IOPS Displays the average disk read IOPS of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Disk Write IOPS Displays the average disk write IOPS of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
NIC In Packets Displays the average number of received NIC packets of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
NIC Out Packets Displays the average number of sent NIC packets of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
NIC In Errors Rate Displays the average rate of received NIC errors of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
NIC Out Errors Rate Displays the average rate of sent NIC errors of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Internal Monitoring CPU Utilization Displays the average CPU utilization of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
CPU Occupancy Rate (System Process) Displays the average CPU occupancy rate (system process) of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
CPU Occupancy Rate (User Process) Displays the average CPU occupancy rate (user process) of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
CPU Occupancy Rate (Waiting) Displays the average CPU occupancy rate (waiting) of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
CPU Idle Rate Displays the average CPU idle rate of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Memory Utilization Displays the average memory utilization of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Memory Idle Rate Displays the average memory idle rate of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Disk Utilization Displays the average disk utilization of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Disk Idle Rate Displays the average disk idle rate of all the VM instances/VPC vRouters in the current zone by default.
Host / Disk Read IOPS Displays the disk read IOPS of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ Disk Write IOPS SDisplays the write read IOPS of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ Used Disk Storage Percentage Displays the used disk storage percentage of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ Disk Usage Displays the disk usage of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ NIC In Rate Displays the NIC in rate of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ NIC Out Rate Displays the NIC out rate of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ NIC In Errors Rate Displays the NIC in erros rate of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ NIC Out Errors Rate Displays the NIC out errors rate of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ CPU Utilization Average Displays the average CPU utilization of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ Memory Utilization Displays the memory utilization of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ Disk Read Speed Displays the disk read speed of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ Disk Write Speed Displays the disk write speed of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ NIC In Speed Displays the NIC in speed of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
/ NIC Out Speed Displays the NIC out speed of all the hosts in the current zone by default.
Backup Storage / Backup Storage Capacity Available Percent Displays the percentage of available capacity of all the backup storages in the current zone by default.
L3 Network / Used IPs (IPv4) Displays the number of used IPv4 IPs of all L3 networks in the current zone by default.
/ Used IP Percentage (IPv4) Displays the percentage of used IPv4 IPs of all L3 networks in the current zone by default.
/ Available IPs (IPv4) Displays the number of available IPv4 IPs of all L3 networks in the current zone by default.
/ Available IP Percentage (IPv4) Displays the percentage of available IPv4 IPs of all L3 networks in the current zone by default.
Virtual IP / Inbound Traffic Displays the inbound traffic of all virtual IP addresses in the current zone by default.
/ Inbound Traffic Rate Displays the inbound traffic rate of all virtual IP addresses in the current zone by default.
/ Outbound Traffic Displays the outbound traffic of all virtual IP addresses in the current zone by default.
/ Outbound Traffic Rate Displays the outbound traffic rate of all virtual IP addresses in the current zone by default.

Export Analysis Report

You can export all the analysis information of a resource or only information on the current page based on the filter conditions. For VM instance and VPC vRouters, you can customize the monitoring metrics to be exported and choose to export their average values, maximum values, or minimum values as needed.

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Cloud Monitoring > Monitoring Chart > Performance Analysis. Then, the Performance Analysis page is displayed. Taking VM instance as an example, on the analysis report area, click Export CSV and choose Current Page or All. Then, the export page is displayed.

Figure 2. Export Analysis Information on the Current Page

  • The export page displays the selected resource, monitoring method, time span, and all the monitoring metrics of the resource.
  • By default, metrics displayed in the VM/VPC vRouter list are automatically selected. You can deselect them or select the average, maximum, or minimum value of other metrics.
  • You can select all the average, maximum, and minimum values or empty your selections with on click.

Capacity Management

Capacity Management visualizes the capacities and usages of key resources in the Cloud. You can use this feature to improve O&S efficiency.

Capacity Management displays the physical capacities and usages of key resources by using cards, and displays Top 10 resource capacities and usages, providing you a commanding view of your resource usages and greatly improving O&S efficiency.

Management Node Monitoring

Management Node (MN) monitoring allows you to view the health status of each management node when you use multiple management nodes to achieve high availability.


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